HomeBamboo Flooring

The Sleek and Shiny World of Bamboo Flooring

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The Sleek and Shiny World of Bamboo FlooringNatural Beauty With Bamboo Flooring

There are few things that tend to be more beautiful or elegant than hard wood floors.A? There is just nothing else that could rival the shine and warmth that a wood floor can bring to your home.A? Unfortunately, hard wood floors is expensive and never very beneficial to our environment.A? If only there are some type of wood which offered the sweetness and durability of hardwood while being environmentally sustainable.A? Luckily there’s just a real product, and it is none other than bamboo.A? Bamboo flooring provides you with all of the beauty of wood without any with the damaging effects that traditional hardwood is wearing the surroundings.

– Bamboo is regarded as eco-friendly since it is a renewable resource

– It grows to maturity nearly 10 x faster than regular hardwood, and doesn’t need to be replanted

– Once the bamboo is harvested, it really is designed for harvest again in seven years

– This is all great, though the issue with bamboo flooring is it is not at all times processed in an environmentally sound way

– Formaldehyde is virtually always used for the binding, and formaldehyde is quite bad for the environment

– Also, hardwood forests tend to be being REPLACED by bamboo, which is not good either

– We will still uses up forests, and bamboo cannot be the sole replacement

China Bamboo Flooring Review

Bamboo, being a harvested wood is really a miracle resource for wood floor manufacturers since this tree plant matures to 50 feet in height and also at an incredible rate. The pressures of using valuable wood from natural forests such as the Amazon Rain Forest is immense which is now able to reduced if more use is manufactured from this remarkable plant to generate natural wood based products. – The list goes on: bamboo absorbs 35% more CO2 than an equivalent stand of trees

– It grows much more densely than trees

– One hectare of land can produce 60 tonnes of bamboo

– Compare this with trees (20 tonnes) and cotton (2 tonnes)

– And when bamboo is cut, it grows back like grass

– Only whenever it grows last more abundance, with greater biomass

Less chemicals during treatment process: Usually for bamboo flooring, bamboo is sliced into strips, that are then ‘destartched’ by boiling. The strips are glued into boards and milled. A simple preservation therapy is finished with Urea-Formaldehyde (UF). UF is not actually healthy to breathe, but a lot less UF is used for bamboo in comparison to hardwood. It is also easy for you to buy bamboo that isn’t treated with UF whatsoever.