Bathroom Flooring Ideas

Most of the time, bathroom flooring is not the element that receives much attention from homeowners and decorators. This is understandable because it only has your feet to attend to, unlike sinks, toilets and shower enclosures that have crucial specifications affecting their performance and usage. However, if you are considering a complete bathroom renovation, you should give the flooring some attention, it adds more to the overall appearance of your bathroom than you realize.

The list of bathroom flooring ideas is actually long; including familiar and unusual choices, but the bottom line in making the selection is safety and cleanliness. The bathroom floor material that you should choose must not cause much slippage when wet, which means that it has to have the friction of some sort. Also, it should be easy to clean and inhibit odor. Whether you are considering luxury bathroom designs or a simpler one, you should …

Hardwood And Laminate Wood Flooring – What You Should Know!

I can’t deny that wood floors are lovely to look at, warm and inviting, but the same effect can be obtained with laminate wood for a lot less money and headaches! And in many cases, laminate wood may be the better choice. Not only does it look like “wood”, under most situations it will out-perform real hardwoods…

Since the very beginning of laminate wood floors, improvements have already been a constant endeavor with manufacturers, like Alloc, Mannington, and Dupont, to produce this flooring material a “perfect” product. The “wear” (prime) layer is made of aluminum oxide, a shield about as robust as steel and penetrating it is near not possible.

With hardwood flooring not much has changed since the 70s to improve its tolerance of normal living conditions. Other than developing a new type of finish to give it more protection, there’s not much that can be done to change …