Pedestrian FlooringWhen Leonard Cohen played Kilmainham on September 12th 2012, part of his 2012-2013 world tour, Occasion Trax were contracted to provide ground cover and pedestrian walkway for the walkways and spectator places. Behind the limitless options of terrazzo flooring Melbourne stand a group of incredibly skilled terrazzo contractors, all versed in the terrazzo art, which has been handed down from generation to generation. Due to the fact that the stainless steel plate will be employed on a non-vehicular pedestrian bridge, it will be constantly exposed to outdoor elements, which is why a non-slip option is essential to assure pedestrian security.

Then, the project was completed and Intec supplied 7,000 sqm of Grintec® , the raised flooring technique for outdoor, with best finishes porcelain stoneware (30×30 cm size) and Serena stone (30×30 and 60×60 cm sizes), the very same form of stone chosen for the external covering of the building because …